by Caroline Kirby
Online video has become a valuable marketing tool for various business types. Considering 85% of land buyers look online you’ll have to put in some effort to make sure your property stands out from the rest.
Putting your land online is the first step, but padding your listing with the right tools is necessary to ensure your property is getting attention. If you’re looking to sell your property quickly and easily here are some simple tips for creating and capturing video for your marketing.
Property videos are rising in popularity and depending on the area in which you’re selling many buyers may not even consider your listing if there’s no video. Why? Consumers want to be engaged and need something catchy to grab their attention. Studies have proven that upwards of 60% of consumers will buy a product after watching a video about it.
Land buyers rely on visual motivation, so use video to flaunt your property and stir up attention! The right video can allow potential buyers to feel as if they’re moving through the space themselves and help them connect more than images ever could.
Boost Listings and Secure Sales With Video
Implementing a new marketing tool can be a bit of a learning curve, but with the right plan, your ROI can be big! Here are 5 tips to keep in mind when using video to sell your land.
- Planning is Key: The only thing worse than no video to use is a poor video. Take some time to plan out your video. Decide what areas you want to highlight, what length you’re aiming for (under 5 minutes ideally), and when the best time of day would be to record. Determining these factors could save you from a lot of trouble.
- Take the Viewer on a Tour: This is where the planning will come in handy, the goal of your video is to show off your property, but you want to make sure it’s done in a way that complements the area and makes sense to the viewer. Imagine you’re guiding the viewer on a tour of the property as you record.
- Consider Hiring a Professional: Spending a little money to get an expert’s eye, and quality equipment could be worth it. Save yourself time and trouble trying to piece together a captivating video.
- Show Off the Surrounding Areas: You don’t have to make a 5-minute video of your property, you can show off the amenities and attractions in the area as well. Make sure the points you highlight are relevant to the area and emphasize their proximity and importance to the property you’re selling.
- Share It: Why go through all the trouble of creating a video if you’re not going to get it out there? Post your video on YouTube, social media, and ask friends, family, and professional connections to share it with their networks as well.
If you’re looking to sell your land quickly and easily, LandHub.com has tons of great tips! Check out the LandHub blog and YouTube channel for inspiration. If you’re ready to put your land out there sign up for one of LandHub.com’s plans today!
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